My wife & I have been trying for a baby a few months now.
After consulting her fertility chart, she said this to me...
"Daddy, when I'm ovulating get ready ok, it's pants off sweetheart !"
I feel like such a gigolo.
picture courtesy of :www. guardian.co.uk
i believed that's definately your wife's word!
now you left a "PICTURE" in my head!
both of you???
how worse can someone spoil my friday, man???
Oh taling I love you
i bet she tells you dat everytime not just when she is ovulating... ehehhe
Bani...I told my wife to go gentle/easy on me...hehe!
Angelita...wait till it's your turn :o)
Diyana...I'm a slave in the bedroom....hehehe!
i'd rather pass, not wait!
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