It seems the Malaysian government is re-looking the principle behind the fuel subsidy to ensure the rich pay their share while the poor are not affected. A government source said that under the present system the rich paid the same as the poor and this was unfair and regressive.
(taken from the Star newspaper, 11th Nov.2007)

Most of the rich, like company directors, MDs, CEOs, Managers, etc, have fuel/travel allowances & they get company cars. They don't have to fork out their own money to pay for petrol. Lucky them, while the poor have to suffer.
I say tax the rich & be fair.
NOW i know who EriQKontena is!!
*isk isk isk*
& don't i regret visitting!
*two thumbs up!*
hello angelita...tks for dropping by. I try to update regularly...i read your blog & calvin's whenever I'm online :o)
ps: go Man.Utd :o)
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