Tons of events have taken place which prevented me from indulging in blogging. One in particular is my work. Fyi, I'm currently attached to a PR company which boasts 21 years of experience in the field.
One would expect that being attached to such a "well-known" company, your future is secure, and being someone the boss counts-on, you are much valued by your superior. This is however, not the case in my story.

My company has only 1 PR Executive - Me!
And dear old me is handling a myriad of accounts which include some of the big names in the corporate sector. I have no PR Assistant to assist me in the little trivial task such as calling up the clients, photocopying, follow-up on payments from clients, and hosts of other tasks. Dear old me is doing EVERYTHING. Overwhelmed with so many tasks, I am bound to miss a thing or two, no matter how careful I try to be.
Despite salaried with such a ridiculous amount each month, I am still loyal. I show up for work, I do the job. Does my boss appreciate me for all that I've done so far? Big fat - NO!

I joined the company in January this year. Since then up till this month, my company has lost-
1 Finance Exec, 2 DTP Artist, 1 very experienced Designer, 2 Personal Drivers, 1 Special Assistant to CEO & 2 PR Execs.
Surprised? You haven't heard anything yet. The Special Assistant to CEO has to drive the CEO's wife to pasar once every week....AND wash both their cars whenever required. I wonder whether that part of the job was in his job scope. He has left for greener pastures since, and he left abruptly without handing in a notice nor was there a phone call.
Well, he did call me to confide his troubles, and I advised him for his own good-to think about the future of your family & decide. Glad to see that he made a wise choice & left.
I've been working for 7 months and I haven't received a single payslip. NOT ONE! Weird huh? I have NO Socso deduction, so should I get injured (God forbid NO!) in the event of perfoming my duties, I am not covered & shall not be entitled to Socso. Nice isn't it?
My boss once mentioned about how international companies would simply fire/terminate staff without any compensation/benefits. Case in point was a local PR firm (I shall not mention the name) which was owned by a foreign party, who sacked the entire staff, took the money & left for their home-country.
My boss further continued that I was lucky to be working with him, saying that he provides me with EPF deduction plus Employer's EPF contribution of 12%.
Ummm...isn't EPF a RIGHT of every person working fulltime in Malaysia? Every individual working fulltime in this country is entitled to EPF! And the Employer MUST contribute their share (certain %) to the Employee!!! That's the LAW! So how can my 'smart' boss say that I'm LUCKY to get EPF from him? Isn't that stupid?
How do you react when your boss ask you (with a smirk on his face)...Are you affected by the recent petrol hike?"
My response (after staring blankly at his stupid face)..."What do you think boss?"
After I educated him on how much I spent on petrol & toll, his response was - "Hmm, maybe I should charge XXX company more since costs are going up nowadays"...
Bodo tak? Baik kau naik kan gaji aku yang ciput ni! Dah berapa kali aku sound-NAIK GAJI AKU! Bodo!
My boss makes tons of money from various PR assignments, if he were to double my salary, his company will NOT go bust. Many times he said that should I am unable to push this one particular client to pay their monthly PR Fee, he won't be able to credit in my salary for the month. I am just ONE Exec you moron! You can't afford to pay me ke?!
I'm currently scouting around for other job opportunities. Should any of you reading this hear of anything just leave a note in the comment box. I really appreciate it.
I need a much better job with better prospect & future because my son is coming in August...Insya-Allah. YIPPPEEE!!
I hope to be a good father....working with a better company....Wish me luck people :o)
Pictures courtesy of:
Hoi pakcik!!!!
Awat hang tak habaq bini hang dah pregnant??!!! Toncet punya budak!!! So happy to hear the good news. Is it really a boy??? You've got a name already??? In August??? So soooonnn! U've been busy!!! Hehehehhe!!!
So sorry to hear about your suck ass boss though... hope he slips & cracks his head! Why are u still working for him if he's so clueless??? Go find yourself a better job. I'm sure u deserve it!
BTW, nice to read about you... write more about your family life. Not all of us are fans of footie. heheheh!
Okaylah, gotta go. I just replied to your brother's FB comment, need to reply to some others as well!!!
Take care & kisses to the wife. Love u guys!!!
congratulations on the new bundle of joy!! =)
so happy for you guys!
your Mrs tried to MMS me a pic but i couldn't retrieve it.. stupid bang&olufsen!!!
anyways, will keep you in mind if i hear any openings.
and bro... leave the )@(#&@&^&@# moron ... i mean your BOSS, that is!
there is absolutely no point staying on with ppl who just don't appreciate you.
enaff said.
send me love to Frankensteina & baby! =)
i didnt know u were looking for other place to work..
i will try to speak to some friends... they work in PR companies too... dont think they are the one you are working at right now though... cheers eric!
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