Thursday, April 3, 2008

Stupid Boss

What do you do when your boss doesn't understand that you have a family function to attend to?

What do you do when your boss scoffs/laughs when you tell him that you have a family emergency to go to?

What do you do when your boss belittles your family problems, and makes remarks like..."What family emergency? You are all young people, you should not have family emergencies, you should breeze through life easily...."

To me that sounds like a man who doesn't want to understand or just couldn't be bothered to understand.

You see my boss just wants me to devote my life 100% to work. Even during 11pm he would text message me asking about work.

He even asked me to accompany him early in the morning on one fine Saturday to meet clients!

HELLO?! It's a Saturday! My day off. If I have to work on my off day, then when do I get my day off? Mind you I'm very particular about my off day. I would NOT answer any text message, nor calls during the weekends regarding work.

Do you guys understand me? Do any of you have bosses like mine?

It's difficult when you're dealing with people who thinks that your problems are minor or trivial.


thewisekid said...

last that happened to me, i resigned. look where i am now... working from home... hhmmmmppphh... ;)
no one to justify my family emergencies, no one to belittle my off days!

not suggesting anything here, though... ;p

Eriq Kontena said...

You have a good point there...

Lady Gargle said...

Itu namanya boss yang amat bongok. He can go and shove his work up his @ss.

Weekend is ours yes D?

Eriq Kontena said...

Weekends is for me, my wife & soon my baby :o)

No other person/s on this planet except my parents can veto this.

So, as far as my boss goes-he can go and fly kites! Unreasonable man...!